Are you looking after your mental health?

We are passionate about helping people to thrive. Often when we think about thriving and ‘good health’ we think about the physical above all, but we believe that taking care of your mind is as important of taking care of your body. When we feel good mentally, it helps us take better care of our bodies too.

Below, our founder Stephen shares what he does to maintain good mental health.

  1. Meditate daily

I use the headspace app and do it first thing in the morning.

Meditating doesn’t remove stress, but it helps me organise my thoughts and frees up space to help me focus on daily tasks. Frequency and consistency are key. Think of it in the same way as you would the gym: you wouldn’t train once and expect instant results.

  1. Keep a gratitude diary

I use this for personal and business development where I write a small page on an evening to allow me to reflect and learn as well as document what I’m grateful for. The art of writing it down works better for my brain to process certain activities and allows me to reflect at a later stage.

  1. Do something creative

Every year I try to create something with my hands. Last year I made bedside tables out of used wooden crates and currently I am renovating my flat and trying my hand at some DIY. I feel like I am at my best when I am thinking and physically doing something over the same period such as writing/making/motorbiking.

  1. Talk it out

Speaking to friends and loved ones about stressful issues. If you have a trusted person that you can share sensitive subjects with, the power of speaking face-to-face or even over the phone is invaluable and the phrase ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ is really true.

  1. Listening and learning from others.

I regularly listen to the Diary of a CEO by Steven Barlett. Although all the individual guests have very different backgrounds and life experiences, they openly share their struggles, strategies to combat mental health issue, lessons they have learned through failures and tough times. Listening to successful people (that you may often put on a pedestal) share their struggles is grounding and relatable and helps you realise that everyone will have issues that they need to overcome, no matter who you are.

  1. Exercise

Doing regular exercise is one of the easiest wins to help give you a mental boost. Exercising releases endorphins, making us feel better which can lead to an improve sleep. Although exercise is a great way to manage my stress, I don’t use it as the sole strategy.

If you are concerned that you are developing a mental health problem you should seek the advice and support of your GP as a matter of priority. If you are in distress and need immediate help and are unable to see a GP, you should visit your local A&E.